Thursday, February 18, 2010

VERTU Signature


Vertu creates phones for discerning individuals who demand the best in everything they buy. The product of years of development, each Vertu is a complex masterpiece. It combines the finest materials with the highest traditions of craftsmanship. While other phones are mass produced by the millions, a Vertu is hand-built in England, one at a time. Inevitably, Vertu can only make such phones in very limited numbers: each one is rare, precious and highly exclusive.

     Vertu has always been in a class of its own. Born from a pioneering vision to create the world's first luxury phone, it has been driven by a relentless obsession with perfection ever since. Today, it is recognised as the pinnacle of mobile phone excellence in more than 50 counties around the world. Backed by the unrivalled technology and resources of Nokia, yet fiercely independent, it has built a reputation for quality second to none, even among the finest luxury goods.


VERTU Signature S Design Gold

Vertu Signature S Design Silver

VERTU Signature Gold & Platinum

VERTU Signature Gold Polished

VERTU Signature Stainless Steel Matte

VERTU Signature Stainless Steel or Yellow Gold


VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Edition


VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Silver Edition

VERTU Signature Python Gold

VERTU Signature Python Platinum


VERTU Signature


Vertu creates phones for discerning individuals who demand the best in everything they buy. The product of years of development, each Vertu is a complex masterpiece. It combines the finest materials with the highest traditions of craftsmanship. While other phones are mass produced by the millions, a Vertu is hand-built in England, one at a time. Inevitably, Vertu can only make such phones in very limited numbers: each one is rare, precious and highly exclusive.

     Vertu has always been in a class of its own. Born from a pioneering vision to create the world's first luxury phone, it has been driven by a relentless obsession with perfection ever since. Today, it is recognised as the pinnacle of mobile phone excellence in more than 50 counties around the world. Backed by the unrivalled technology and resources of Nokia, yet fiercely independent, it has built a reputation for quality second to none, even among the finest luxury goods.


VERTU Signature S Design Gold

Vertu Signature S Design Silver

VERTU Signature Gold & Platinum

VERTU Signature Gold Polished

VERTU Signature Stainless Steel Matte

VERTU Signature Stainless Steel or Yellow Gold


VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Edition


VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Silver Edition

VERTU Signature Python Gold

VERTU Signature Python Platinum


k serial rolex, rolex san antonio texas


6t6yeu8i9 Oy'ster Pe*rpe*tual+ 18k Go_ldRat_trap_antePas'h'a Seatim_er 20+06Pr-esident- *18k GoldJ'ub.ilee D'atejus+t SS+Moonph*ase A-uto-matiq+ueBallon+ .Glass. Monogra_m .Collect_ionLou*is .Vuitto+n Bag,s & Wal_letsA,s.sioma Heu'res *Ret,ro Chro+nogra'phL+ouis V_uitt.on Ba+gs & -WalletsS+p_orts Seri*es. Chron-ograp'hAstron*omica'l, Celestia+l, Double D'ial,Sea+masterAq_uarace'r Ca,libre- S +Chronogr'aphR+ed_ Devil B+ang *Limited+ Ed_ition- Chron,ograph_Lou'is Vu.itton_ Bags &* W_alletsJa+qu_et D.rozGlashu.t-teGary Su_ffir, Chr-onograp_h *Automat+ic*Ergon C,hronog-ra+phThe Li_nkB*vlga-riMaster .Coll-ectio.n Ma_ster ,Aut*omatic Ch*ronog*rap+hSEGuc,ci, Roll*erUtah +Lea+therMon_t Blan-c Ba.llpoin-tMont* B,lanc Fou_ntain, Pen*Ver,ona N_uovoTime. Walke*r GM,T _Automat,ic C-hronogr.ap*hFormul*a 1 In_dy 5-00 Edi*ti*onMaste,r Co-llec.tion Mas-te*r Automa+tic .Chron'ographR,a_ttrapant+eBR0_1 9*2 Autom.ati_cSant+os 100 C_hr'onogr'aphSlyt*ech Ch'ronog_ra_phNaviti*mer _Chrono-Mat'icOris,Casa-blan*ca Chron*og'raphLoui.s V_uitton+ Ba'gs & W.alle+tsChri,stal +Diamon+d Bra-cel_etCurv_ex Auto.maticO_yst,er -Dateju'st 1.8k & S'SCasabl_anca S+S B,racel_etDol+ce &* Gabban.aO_mega De+ Ville ,Co Ax_ial+ Chr.onog.raphJubil+ee Da,teju-st S-SOm*ega Seama*s-ter 3'00 M C-hronome*terCar-rera .C.hronog-raph Tac*hym_eterRad-iom_ir .Tourbilli+o'nComplic_ation +Moonp-h.ase Chron-og_raphHe'rme,s Wat,chesTo,rino Chr_onogr_aphSp-eedm_aster. P-rofession*al Ch*r*onogra-phChr+onomet,er *Moonph,ase Li.mited *Edi_tionGla'shutt'eSeam'aster ,Di'ver Ser_iesLa-dy_s Qua-rtzRettan,g'olo Chro*nograp-hLe_ C,lassiq.ue Qua+rtz '37mmRo.tond'e de C_artier. T'ourbil,lio-n Chron,ograph_Lan_gema*tik Big D'ateLu+min-or Dayl.igh_tHappy* Diamo*nds S*port, Squ*are-Grand C'arre_ra Cal*ibre' Chr-onograph,Sona-ta C'hrono+grap,h Collect.ion,Vero_na Nuo,voT-ortue S.eries*Gucci- Bal+lpoin-tVers*ace C-uffli'nksDiago_no Ti_tan_ium,Pasha- Seatim_er 200*6Br+acel,etMust De. Cart'ierC+alatra_va +Chron'ograph_Santos* 100 _Fl.ying T.ourbil*lionJ+aege.r Le,Coultr*eGr,ande Son*ner,ie Tou*rbillon* Mo*onph.rase' Chro.nographLu.min_or ,MarinaGC *Div,er Ch,ic -Chrono'grap-hTank Fr_anca*iseMus-t 21* Ser+ies Mus't 21 _Quart*zLou'is V*uitton' Bag.s & Wal,let,sTimewa-lker' Chron,ograp*hHap-py *Diamonds_ Sp-ort ,OvalLum.inor +Subme-rsibl*eRa-diomir'Coru-mTankLo+uis- Vuit'ton B*ags & Wa+lle'tsLouis- Vuit.ton. Bags ,& Walle+tsLo_uis* Vuit+ton -Bags &_ Wallet.sSen-ato_r Navig_ator .Chron.ograp.h18K+t/SS_ Two To-ne -Presi_dentia*l Dat-ejustAl*ain Si.lber.ste_inJ12 Wh,ite +Leathe'r ,BandJ.acob &+ CoRo+adster' Ch_rono*graphU-B_oat,New San'to*s Ser'ies Santo,s 100,Admir+a'l's Cup C.hron.ogra'phS+pitfire, Ma,rk XVPa,nthere,Pan-thereMig_li.a Mi_lle GT_Academia- Chro_nog,raphL*uminor- GM'TGrand, Com_plicat_ionMill-e _Migli*a Chr+onograp+h Leat+he+r Str_apNav* Chrono_M+aticClas-siq.ue Co.mplic,ation *Tou.rbillo+nAss'ioma ,Autom-aticCl_assique -Au_tomat.icSpor_ts ,Colle_ction Co,nquest'Louis' ,Vuitton _Bags ,& Wal-let-sAlain ,Silb*erstein.Oys'ter -Day -date 1_8k Gold_The Ma_rine.rAllon_gee- Ceintu_reO+meg.a Sea,maste+r Rail'maste'r Chrono,graph.Ad+miral's. Cup+ Comp,etiti,on 40Lu-mi-nor *Classi*cMont' Bla,nc Ballpo' Migl*ia Chr'onogra+p-h Stai-nless S,teel B'r,aceletLu.minor- Marin_a S-S Br_aceletO,me-ga Sea,master 'Spec.ial. Editio+nBR0_1 Tour*billo_n Rubbe'r S+trapVI,NTA*GE 126*Philip ,Stein-Ferra_ri'Flyb.ack Spo.rts C.hron*ograp'hTan-k Amer.icai_neCar_tier Roll'er*ballE-mporio -Armani,Loui_s Vu*itton ,Bags* & W.allet_sSuperl*egge,ra +J12 B,lack Tac_hy'metre C+hronogr.aphCl.assic*Sport_s ,Collecti-o-n Conques,tV+erona* NuovoB*R0*1 97 P+ower Re.serv,eCl_atrava _Cla*ssicGolde.n Tou.rbil.lon. Pano_ramiq.ueCo_+Axial Au*toma'tic ,Chro'nometer*Aquara-cer -Automa,t.ic Chr-onogra'phWh'ite Mur_akamiP.a,sha de- Cart.ierTo_urbi.llon Powe.r ,ReserveE*s.peran*zaSupe'rleg.gera J12 -Blac-k Tach,ym.etre_ Chronog'raphLo+uis* Vui*tton +Bags & 'Wallet'sS_port C*lassiqu.eC'hronog+raphBR 'SCla*ssic *Chr_onograp-hLink _Autom'at_ic Chr_ono+graphAr_chi.tecte G*MTNav,itimer. Ran,geDo*uble E,agle C,hro-nome-terMaste.r Col'le*ction ,Maste.r Autom_atic 'Bi.g Dat'eRattrapa,nte -Chr+onograp,h IRo-tonde -Tour'bil.lonGucci_ *Ballpo-intBvl.gar.i Cufflin,ks-Louis _Vuitto+n Bag.s '& Walle_tsLouis* -Vuitton -Bag.s & Wa.llet.sRoyal O*akCa'rt-ier Cuf*flinksD,a.y Date -Tourb-ill.onFor'mula 1* Serie*s For+mul+a 1Admira.l's *Cup T_ides '48Supe_rl-egger,a J12. Black C'hron.ogr.aphGr-and Comp+l,ication' Chrono,gra.phSport,s Col,le_ctio_n Conque*stLum'inor +Cla*ssicSpe_edMa*ster D+at+eMoney C*lipG'ucci_ Cufflin.k'sComplica.ti_ons Ch+ronogra*p'h Tourbil_lio.nCra+zy Ho.urs Tour+billi-onLou.i.s Vuit*ton Ba-gs &+ Wallets'Co.mplicati_o+n Moo-nphase C'hro'nographC*lass-ica,l Bil_lion_aire Tou-rb,illonJ'12 Two t'one .Bla'ckTho+usands o-f F'eet CS3, Chr*onogr,aph-Tank F-ranca-ise Ch-ronogr_aphDa-t'ograph*Portu_guese' Chrono,graphT'iffa,ny & -CO Ea+ring_sChro.nograp-hErgo,nS .T Du.pont Ligh_ter.s Gold+ Seri,es.Omega _De Ville+ Co+ GMTCl-assi+que *Complic,ation* Tour'billo*nL_ouis,ton Bags* & Wal'le_tsLink, Cal,ibre ,5 Autom+aticFa'c+etoOyster- Date+ju,st SSCla,ssi'c Carre*raJ,ubil,e Quar+tz Me_n W,ith D_iamond B,ezel O,pti*onKing' Conq.uista*dor +Cortez_ Chro'nogra-phC_artier B-a,llpointG.ucc,iMonaco. Chron+o+graphLo.uis Vui-tton .Bag*s & W*alle-tsTa_chymetre- Chron_og*raphGu-ess_St Dupo'nt .Fountai_nTes-lar '(Diamon+d bez,el)+Cortina _Chro,nograp.h +(Leat_her s-trap)*arbon' Chro_nogr+aphPo, FA +Jones. Ed.itio-nAssiom,a Chr,onog-raphL'ange 1'Tortue _C'hronograp.hL.umin*orPasha C_Spo.rts S'eries C,hrono_gr.aphClass,ical -B-illionai're To,urbi.llon'Clas*sique Com-pl_ications'Role+x .Datej+ustsR+attrapant-e Ch+ronogr,aphO-me-ga Seama+ster 3-00 M -Rac'ing C-hronom_eterA'rchi+tecte A_uto*maticL_anie+res Ser,iesR+oy_al Oak+ Chrono-graphB+R0_1 97 -Power -Res,erveR_ed B+ang L.imited_ Edition, C,hronog.rap'hTourbill_on P'ower .Res*erveMil'le *Migli.a Rubb_er _StrapG-raha_mDupo.nt Cuffli'nksLo.uis_ Vuitto-n .Bags & W-al*letsHap_py Dia,mo*nds Sp_ort S_quareA_ign'erSli+m Cas-e Aut-omaticCl_a-ssic .Carrer,aFlyba_ck Sp+orts C,hr.onograp_hLo,uis Vuitt-on ,Bags &* Wal.let'sGrand -Comp.licat*ion Chr_on.ograp'hOmega+ Spe.edmaster- R+acing- Chron+ometer+Neck'laceMa_ster Ge_og+raphi.c Automa't-icMontB+lanc+ Cuffli,nksLan*gemat-i+k Big D.ateLou'is Vu_it+ton Bags ,& Wa*llet,sLo,uis Vu*itton* Bags +& Wall'etsPa,sha d*e _Cartier. Ch-ronogr,aphM*ille M,iglia G.MT Ru*bber* St.rapDay D'at_e Tou.rbillo.nChrono'ma-tic 49Pla'ti,num/Whi_te Gol_d Oy.ster 'Da_tejustLo*uis Vu'itton+ 'Bags & W+allets, 'BankerF*ull, Stai,nless_ Steel J*ubi_lee D_ateju,stM*iglia G,ran. Turismo, XL C_hro'nographS*ta*r Plati+num *Chronog_raph'Admi'ral'*s Cup C.omp-etition+ Victo'ry -Challe_ngeHa,ute H,or*loger+ie Tourbi*llonO-m*ega De V,ille, Co .Axia+l Chronog+raph*J12- Whi.teBell .& RossO'yster- Pe-rpet+ual +18k GoldC.h'ronogr-aphe +Certif*ie Chr_ono*metreLig-h'tersLouis, Vu-itton *Bags '& Wall'e'tsLan'ge 1 M_oonp+haseSenat+or N-avi+gato,r Chr,onograp*h1815 C,h'ronogr'aphV+intage 1.945 XX.L C_hron'ographP*end-antCu_rvex Au'to-matic'Admiral',s Cup. C+ompetiti+on 40G-ra.nde S*onne-rie Tourb+il+lon Moo'nph,rase 'Chronog,raph+Spo+rtivo Ch*ron,ographAr'ch_itect_e GMTRo*adste*rBvlga*ri C,uf,flinksK*ing Co+nquist.a,dor Corte+z_ Chro*nographS-eamas-ter D-iver +Seri*esRic+hard M_illeFo* 1 S-er'ies F.ormula- 1Po,rtuguese ,FA Jo_nes E'diti+onS,chaf_fhaus.en Pilot''s Wa-tches +Spi-tfire. Chron_ograp-hGMT *Chrono_graph*Tortu'e Se-rie+sMaster+ Ba,nker To,ur'billon C+hron+ograph.Pea+rlma_ster Whit-e ,GoldJ,12 Black_ Tou+rbi,llionL'angemat'ik _Perpetu_alVe,rsace .Cu_fflinksP*e,arlmast'er 18k 'GoldS-tar* Chro.nogra*phP+asha de C'arti'er* Chron'ographCh.ron_ograph*e Cert.ifie* C'hronome.treMust_ 21- Series_ M'ust -21 Qu'artzTim*ewalker* 'Serie,s Chron-ograph*Lo-uis Vu.itton ,& Wal.letsL+umi-nor Po*wer R*eserv_eBR01 9,6Chron'o, BankerL*ugga'ge Stra.p_TankSe,amaste.r A'qua Terra* Chr.onome,ter,Navitime*r Moo.npha_se Chr,onog-raph,Santos- 10_0 Sk*eleto_nPanomati-c Chr,onog'raphB*lac*k Murak-ami-Armani K.eyc'hainsV.ega.s Au+tomatic_Tan-k Ame.ricaineD*igi_tal Se-riesC*hri-stal Br+ace+letCrazy ,Hou*rs T*ourbil'lon +Power- Indic+ato-rCalat,rava_ Chrono_gra,phLink Chron,ogr,aphSe*amaste,rG.raham+Complicat-ion_sClass+ica_l Billi*ona_ire T.ourbi-llonMo+nogram' P-erfo18'84 He*rcules* Serie'sL,uminor M+ar-ina T_ourbillon,Grand. C_ompl'icati*onLoui+s Vuitto,n Ba*llpoin,tSlyt.ech C_hr.onogr_aphGran'd Co.mpl+icationCh'rono+matic* Cer+tif_ie Chro.nom,etreDamie,r_ CanvasVI*N*TAGE 12+6Crazy ,H-ours 'Tourbi.llon'Dupont +Cufflin-ks'Seamas'ter Aqu.a Ter.ra_ Railma-ste_rBvlg,ari Cu-fflink-sSpeed.mast_er -Profess-iona*l C*hronogra+ph,18Kt/S.S Two To,ne Oy, Datej,ustNo+ma,deJubile+ Quar't.z Men- Withou*t Diam.ond Be.zel O+p+tionCal'atrav*aLo*uis Vuit,ton B,ags' & Walle'tsL-ouis V-uitt+on Bag,s & _Wallets+EDC+ION+ Limi_tada Ch*rono-grap_hDoub-le Ea*gle Au'tomati_c Chron+ograp,hSp_ort-s Collec_ti,on Conqu-est_Leather- ban*d Dat,ejustFu,ll- Sta_inless .Ste'el Jubi,lee D*ate_justCurv+ex -Auto_matic*Louis_ Vuitt,on Ba'gs & Wa.llet.sChr+ista.l Bra.celetAq-uaracer* Cali.bre 5, Auto'mati-cS.peedMa.ster Da*teFe'rra+ri Sc,uderia+ Chro+nographC_orti'na Ch'ron'ograp+h (Le'ather, strap+)Salvat-ore F,erra_ga*mo Key,chainsTa+chym_et're Chr'onograp.hP+asha +de Cart.ier C,hronog'ra_phLeathe*r ban-d Dat+ejust'Rad_iomir+ Tou.rbilli-onOmeg+a Spe+edmast'er Pr_ofes-sion+alSpeed*maste,r1.8Kt/SS 'Two *Tone Pr,esiden't*ial Datej_ustW.atc_hes Erg,onSalv*atore* ,Ferra.gamo Ke*ychain_sFiv'e T-ime Zone. Wa,tch _Stainless. S+teelGra-nd Car+re*ra Calib'r*e Chrono*graph'Lum_inor M-arina L-ea.ther- BandCraz_y* Hours ,Tour-billon .Power' Indic-atorC_la.ssica*l Billio,n_aire Tour-bill'on18_Kt/SS* Two +Tone .Jubi.lee Date,ju.stAlu'minium *Chron,ograp'hC-hopard.Sport Ch'ro.nographS*t _Dupont. Fou-ntai,nUlyss_es Na-rdinRado_Bal+lon Gl_ass+ J12 Two* ton-e I_sland ,Automat_icE_DCION L'imita-da_ Chr*onograph.Fe-rrari Gr+ant_urism-o GMTNau_tilus'G+MT Chr_onogr.aphIm-peri'al Tou,rbillon _Moon.phr'ase -Chronogr,aph18+Kt/S,S Two T,one .Datej*ustOm_ega .De Vill*e Co. A-xial Chr,ono_graphP-arm.igiani+ Fle_urier'Louis ,Vuitton *Bags -&_ Wallet-sFul,l 18K ,Gold, Pres-idential+ Da*y Da-te, F-ully Ic.ed. DialBen-tley M-o_tors Ch*ronogra'ph19-32 -Moonph.aseD-enim Co-lle*ctio+nGMTC,hristal B+racel.etDam.ier .Canv*asMonac_o 2.4 Calib_re ,Autom.atic 'Chr'onograph+Ja.cob & _CoNaviti+merA-qua*race'r Tou_rbillon C_hro'nograph.Haut*e Ho* _Tourb-illo_nNauti.lusMone'y 'ClipSp.ort ,Evolution_ Im_pact T*ou.rbillon+Admira_l's -Cup* Compe*titio'n Vict+ory _Chal*lengeRoy+al. Oak T-ourbi.llon_ Chro_nographG*olden+ To+urbill,on ,Panorami+que_Chrono* Ban'kerC'artier _Cuff,linksP-ano R*etro G_ra*phDe .Ville ,CoAx_ial CoAxi*al' Rattrap*ante-Lan.gemat'ik P*erpetualM-on*ogra,m Collect-ionMi-gli*a Po'wer C.ontr_ol Gra*n Turi,smo XL'Omega- Seama.ster _Spec*ial E.di'tionLoui-s Vu+itto+n Bags* & Wall.e'tsGMT Ch,ron-ograph'Datog+raphDe'epsea _Sea *Dw*ellerS, T Dup_ont ,Replica -Li.ghters *Colle+ction .2006T'aig-aErgon' C_hronograp'hFli-gh't Deck ,Chro_nograp*h Tourb.ill-onBig _Pil'otTimew+al+ker Serie+s, Chronog+ra-phLouis V.u,itton Bag*s' & Wall.etsD'iagon-o Soti'rio Chr*on-ograph'Gary Su-ff-ir Chron-o'graph A.uto*maticDu,al C-hronogr*aph.Porsch'e De'signLoui.s Vui-tton 'Ba'gs & Wa,lle,tsOyste'r Da-tejust 'Whit'e G.oldMont-bri+llian,t Datora*M_ust De *Car+tierPr_esident* 18k' Gold+Cla,ssique C*omp.licati,on 'Tourbill'onSan'to-s 100 C+hronogr.aphCa,r.tier _Cuffli+nksHap*py _Diamon_ds Spir*it Ed' Range.J12 To,urbil*lon,Astr*onomical+ _Celest*ial Do+ubl_e DialCh.rono B+ank_erTour+bi,llon Re.gulat_orAqu,ati+mer Ch_ronogr-aphMas.te,r MoonAs+sioma ,Heure.s Re_tro Ch*rono,gr-aphCa_libre 360* Auto-ma+ticLumi-nor' Power R*es+erveLon'gines'Spe_cialit.ies Oly_mpi+c Co,llect,ion Ti_melessC_asab*lan'ca T'ourbi+llon Chro'nogra-p.hRed Ban,g Li'mited _Ed.ition C,hron'ograph,Cla*trava 'Classic'Cho-pard'Ferr-ari Scud'eri'a GMTBe-ntley+ Mot*orsClas'sic S.a,ntos Seri.e+s Santo_s Class_icLe .Gra*nde Cla's_sique* Quartz ,37*mmTaiga*Dewi_ttDami*er Ca,nvasFer*rari* Gr+anturi+smo R-attrap,ante*J12 T.wo tone, +Chronogr,ap*hTortu-e Ser,ies Ch-ronog+rap_hFo.rmula 1 Chr-ono.graph+Flyb*ack Sport*s C-hronog*raphF-1 Dua-l Ch_ron.ograph-Sport +Clas+sique C-hr_onogr-aphFer'rari Gr+antu,ris,mo GM,TGrand_ Com*plicat_ion Moon*phase_ 'Chronogra.p*hPhili+p Stei_nMont B'lan.cBR0.1 92 A_utom-atic'Brush'ed Steel _Se.ries-Vintage -1945, XX*L Chron+ograp-hLoui-s V,uitton Ba,gs -& Wall*etsJou*t- & Nuit A,ut.omati_cLoui_s Vui'tton C-ufflink_sRoy_al* OakDoub-le ,Eagle, Chronom*e-terSona*ta Ch.ronogr-ap,h Col-lectio-nSeam_aster' Pro 300'm_ Seama*ster* 300m GM+TMigli'a G+ran Tu'rism.o X'LCarrera 'Calib_re .1Louis _Vu'itton_ Rollerb*allJa+eger _LeCou'lt'reBai_gnoi-reOys-ter Datej,ust -White, Gold*Classi'c 'Santos ,Seri,es _Santos+ Cla,ssicCho,pard P_en+dantG_ran Tur,ism.o Chrono-graph*Ca_sablanca- SS B+race*letP*asha- Seat'imer *2006Ferra.ri' Scuderi*a+ GMTLumi'nor C,lass'icP,reside+nt White, Gold_Gir*ard .Perreg'auxVers_a-ce Cuff,link_sTori,no C+hronogra,ph*

Arangkada of Leo Lastimosa for February 19, 2010

                        Lagda sa propaganda


            Kon piliunon ka, o dumadapig sa usa ka piliunon, sa umaabot nga piniliay sa Mayo 10, nga gihasolan sa kadaghan ug kakuti sa mga panginahanglan sa di pa masibya ang imong propaganda sa radyo ug telebisyon, o mapatik sa pamantalaan, palihug ayaw tulisoka, labaw nang ayaw ikiha, ang media organizations.  Kay igo lang sila nga nipatuman sa mas daghan ug mas kuti nga mga panginahanglan nga gitakda sa Comelec.

            Wa sab kay sukaranan nga magbagulbol.  Kay ang daghan ug kuti nga mga panginahanglan giumol sa Comelec niadto pang 2001, siyam ka tuig nang nilabay, pinasikad sa mas karaan nga Fair Elections Act.  Gawas lang kon nagmingaw ang imong kandidatura o sa imong gilabanan nga piliunon.  Ug desperado nga nagkinahanglan og bisan unsang kontrobersiya.


            Niang mga panginahanglan nga gilista sa Section 14 sa Implementing Rules and Regulations sa Fair Elections Act nga, gusto nila o sa dili, kinahanglan gyod nga ipatuman sa mga sibyaanan ug mga pamantalaan:

·        Ang election propaganda kinahanglan nga maglakip sa duha ka linya—(1) "kining political advertisement gibayran alang ni..." nga sundan sa tinuod nga ngan ug pinuy-anan sa piliunon o partido nga gipahinungdan sa pagsibya o pagpatik sa election propaganda ug (2) "kining political advertisement gibayran ni..." nga sundan sa tinuod nga ngan ug pinuy-anan sa nagbayad;

·        Kon ang election propaganda hinatag nga libre sa sibyaanan o pamantalaan, ilhon sa mga pung "gisibya o gipatik nga libre" sundan sa tinuod nga ngan ug pinuy-anan sa naghatag;

·        Ang advertisements nga hinatag ngadto sa piliunon o partido kinahanglan nga patabanan og "written acceptance" sa piliunon o partido nga isukip sa advertising contract; ug

·        Kinahanglan nga hatagan ang Comelec og kopya sa tanang advertising contracts sud sa lima ka adlaw human mapirmahan sa donor, sa piliunon o sa representante sa partido.


            Kon tuohan ang pangangkon sa Comelec, ang tuyo sa daghan ug kuti nga mga lagda di ang paglisudlisod sa mga piliunon ug sa ilang mga dumadapig.  Kon dili ang paghimong mas sayon sa pagpatuman sa limitasyon sa gasto.  Kon kinahanglan gyod nga dunay magbagulbol, mas may sukaranan ang media organizations.  Kay gawas nga naduhig sa mas daghan ug mas kuti nga mga panginahanglan, gipugos pa gyod paghatag og 30% nga diskuwento ngadto sa mga politiko.

            Ang labing dakong pabor iya sa Comelec.  Kay kon motuman lang gyod sa ilang gimbuhaton mas sayon nang makasubay sa kinatibuk-ang gasto sa piliunon o sa partido.  Apan ang mas dako untang katuyoan—ang paghimong mas patas sa election propaganda sa adunahan ug kabos nga mga piliunon—napukan nang daan.  Dihang ang orihinal nga limitasyon sa propaganda alang sa tanang sibyaanan ilang gipilupilo og makadaghan alang na sa matag sibyaanan.  [30]

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