Monday, February 22, 2010

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


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6t6yeu8i9 Lo*uis Vu'itton *Bag's & Wal-let*sAlumi_niumLo_uis V_uitto,n Bag+s &. Walle,tsRado-Sup.erlegge*r+a J12 Wh+ite- Chrono_graphO+m.ega Se+amast-er Pla'net O+ceanCa,sabl+anca 'Chron_ographM-ill*e Migli'a *GMT Rubb_er_ Str'apDual ,tim-e Chro'nometerM.ust _De Ca+rtier.Ex-calibur- Ch,ronograp, _Vuitt_on Rolle,rba.llPea-rlma_ster 18k *Go_ldSeam.asterG+ucci G* Vuitto,n *Bags &+ Wal,letsMas-ter Cl.ass,ic Au+tom-aticSpo'rt Evo.lut.ion Im*pact' Tourbi-llon+Marine- Chr.onograp_h-Assio*ma Chrono+gra*phTT1* Datej'ust 'Whi_te Gold+Curvex. Auto+matic+Thou_sand-s of 'Feet C*S3 C*hronogr,ap*hDiagon_o Tit_ani,umCarti,er,Omega Sea+m*aster Spe*cial -Editi,onJu.bilee.Suns-etAqua,rac,erChron+omatic* Cert+ifie .C+hronomet_reAd.mira.l's Cup ,C.ompeti*tion 4+0Ferrar*i Sc*uderia, G-MTMill_enar*yThe Mar+ine+rAq*uaracer C.a'libre S _Chro.nog_raphDiago_no So'ti-rio -Chronogra.p.hGucci ,G Class+icA*ssio-ma Heure_s R.etro C.hro'nograph,Bent.ley M'otorsA'quarac*er_Piccad.ily *(Diamo+nd b_ezel)L'umino-r Ma,rina R+ubbe.r Ban.dHermes _C*ufflinksC+hr.istia+n Dior C,u-fflinksRo_ton'de Tour-bil+lon .Perpetu_al Cal+e*ndarPan+omatic-Le Gra'nde C-la'ssique Q,uart+z 3.7mmMu'st De Ca-rtier+Aq.uarac,er Calib_re S_ C_hrono+graph .Lapti_meFull- Si+ze Five+ Time Z'one* Watc'hes. 47mm Le-athe*r B_andCa,rtier P,end*antSchaf+fh+ausen Mar-k- XVS T- Dup,ont L+ighters *Go+ld Se,riesFor-mula' 1 Se.ries F_orm,ula 1De +Vi.lle C_oAxia_l CoAxia-l Ra-ttr*apante_Oyster +Perpe_tual+ 18k Go_ldP, Me,tal Dec+k MB'Louis Vui_tto-n Bags+ & Wa,ll_etsJ1_2 Two +tone B,lackG+ary S'uffi.r Ch'ronograph- Aut-om*aticRo'yal Oa.k Of*fshor.e Ch+ronog,raphA*dmira+l's Cup C_om.petiti'on 4,0Cra'zy Hours 'Tourb-il*lon Powe+r I,ndicato-rBl-ancpai'nOme+ga Sea_mast,er 30,0 M -Racing+ Chron*omete.rVar_iante*s T*ourbi'llon Sp.ortsIn-strume.n*t BR 'Airbor+ne Limit_ed E,dition_Aude.mars *Pi'guetTec'hnoma+rineA L.a,nge &,eLumin'or Marin*a Ru*bbe'r Band,Tortu_e Chron_og,raphLo.uis +Vuitton, Bags_ & ,WalletsD* & G -Keyc,hai_nsIm+peria.l Tourbi_llon M*oo'nphrase_ Ch.ronogr'aph*Carrer+a Ch.ronogra+ph Tac*hymet_erL-ouis +Vuitton_ B,ags & W.allet-sCasa*blanca +Tou.rbillon, *Chronog+raphD-iago'no Scu-ba Ch*ron_ograp*hSpeed+mast'er Pro'fessi*onal Ch.ronog*raphG'C Div,er C*hic Ch,ronog-raph,Ful,l Stainle_ss S_tee.l Datej-ustL_ong*inesP_asha CBM'W Or.acle .Tour.billon C.hron+ogra*phCo_nquista-dorLu.minor *A*utoma-tic T_ourbilli*onErg*on Chr*ono*grap_hFerr-ari Gran,t'urismo GM.TClas*s_ic Squ'are Au*toma,ticRo+yal .OakLum*inor Po-wer R+eserve,Sup_erl'egger+a J12 Bl+ack- Chrono-gra.phLouis* Bags, & W'alletsMas-t-er Co+llectio.n M_aster A,utomat+ic Big, Dat+eLo_ng Isla'nd C_hro_nographM*onac*o 24* Calibre, Auto_ma.tic Chro+nogra-p-hPresi-dent 1*8k Gold,Louis, Vuit_ton B_ag,s & +WalletsR-ed De*vil +Bang* Limited- Ed-iti+on Ch+ronog.raphBvlg-ari. Pendan*tZenit*hL'uminor Leat*her- Ba+ndLouis. Vuit_ton Bag+s *& Walle,tsM*ust 2'1 Ser'ies Must. 21 _Quart,zAll.ongee *Ceintu+reL_ouis Vu-itt+on .Bags & W+alle+tsCasab+lanc_a L'eather -Band'Lou*is Vuit+ton Bag-s & W-alle'tsDou+ble 'Eagle+ Au,tomatic _Ch*ronograp,hOval -Se_riesM.oonphas.e Auto+m*atiqueFr,anck *Mul-lerL'ouis 'Vuitto+n Bags &. ,WalletsB.rittC.hristi+an +Dior_ Cuffli_nksMer.cedes' B+enz SLR _Ch_rono-graph,Le Grand*e Cla-ssiqu+e Q_uartz 37*mmFu.ll St_ainles.s Ste-el +Jub.ilee ,Datejust.BR 01+ RA+IDBra_celetSpo,rt .Chrono'gr.aphSlim -Quar'tzJu-bile Qua-rtz .Me.n With D-ia_mond B-ezel. OptionLi,n'k ser-ies Ch.ronogra+phL'ouis V.uitto_n Ba,gs &_ Wallets,Espera+nzaB.R01 *92 Auto+mat+icLou+is .Vuitton _Ballp'oi'ntPasha -Seati'me_r 2006Gr*aha*mChr'onomet-er Moon' Limit,ed* Edi_tionMi_glia Tur'ismo .XLC-lassic+ Ch'ronogra-ph*Maste_r Geo,graphic *Automa+ti*cIWCLo'uis Vui+tton. B+ags &* Wallets.A L.ange* & SohneC.arti,er' Roller_bal_lProfessi_o*nal Gol'f Watch_18Kt/+SS- Two' Tone' Rose -Gold ,Presid_entia,l Date-justRo,lex+ Date+justsAd*m-iral's ,Cup _Comp_etition 4'0_Tesla-rMontBla+nc Cu'fflin'ks.Ballon Gl,ass, Corti,na C.hro-nograph ('Leath'e+r stra-p)Ca,rtier R+ollerba-llF1 'D+ual Chron.og'raphTou*rbillo,nClas+sic- Ca.rreraA*rchi-tecte' Chro+nographPa-rmigi-ani F'leuri,erGr'an _Turis_mo C,hronogra-phC*hronomat* Ch,rono_graphGu*cci Ba'll'point,Master C_olle'ctio+n M.aster+ Automati*c- Chronogr,aphM-aster' Clas_si+c Automat+ic,Roger Du_b,uisGa.ry Suf*fir 'Chronogra,p'h Automat_icP*enda-ntFligh't D.eck Chro'n+ograph. Tourbil_lon.Easy D+iver ,Chron-og'raphClat,rava C-la-ssic*Admira.l S L.imit'ed Editio+nOys.te+r Date.just SS-Bel,l & Ross,Adm-iral-s Cup_ Chronog.raphT_ortue- _Chronogra-phL'ongin-esGuc_ci Roll'erHa*ppy Di'am'onds +Sport+ Squar'eLongit.ude C-hrono+graph_Bentl'ey ,Mot'ors Chr,ono*graph-Calat+rava Chr,on*ograp+hMont _Blanc *Fou.ntain *PenDia'gono S.otirio' C'hron.ograph,Pasha CS-un_setB-R01 96'St Dup_ont .Ballpo'intMono,g.ram Perf+oLo*uis *Vuitton *Bags- & W'allets+Role,x Da,tejusts*Turnog*rap*h SSLoui.s Vui+tton & ,WalletsL.i'nk series_ Chro'nogra'p*hTime _Walker G_MT ,Autom_atic Ch-ronog.raph.Lo-uis Vuitt*o-n Bags &' Wall*et*sCuff*links_Grand,e Complic_at+ions +Perpetua'l _Calend_er C'hronog*raphJ1-2 GT.M Chro_nogr_aphVi'ntag,e 1945, XXL Ch_ronog-r+aphCh.ronog-raphe' Certi+fie Chro+n-ometreB-R 01' RAIDVeg,as_ Autom.aticGra,nd _Comp*lica-tion Chro-nog*raphL.imite-d Sport+s Edi-ti,on Ch-ronogr*aphHe-rmes+ Watche*sP.residen.t Wh,ite Gold'Jubi_le Q-uart_z Men Wi,thou-t Diam*on.d Bezel. O-ptionSpe_cialit+ie.s Olymp'ic +Coll-ectio*n Tim.elessDupo_nt Re-p*lica Ligh-ters _C-ollec-tion 2_005Lady*s Quar_tzBR,01 +92 Aut.omaticH-ubl'otH-appy D+iamond_s Sport_ Squa.reBre'gue-tJ12 T_wo to'ne Whi+teIns+tru_men't BR Airb.o,rne L_imited E.di+tionOme,ga Spee.dmas+ter Ra-cing ,C+hronom'eterSpee*dMa_ster +DateRa*doS-port Chr'ono_graphLo-uis _Vuitt*on B,ags & W'all.etsL-ouis _Vuitton. Roll*erba+llCur+vex, Automati'cP'reside*nt 18k+ & SSR'attra'p*antePanom.ati-c Chron'ogr.aph_Dupont ,Cuf_flink-sPres'ident, White* Gol+dU-BoatFu,ll S_tainle+ss -Steel -Dateju_stA-dmiral.'s Cu.p Tide's 4+8Santos- 100 ,Sk+eletonLu'mi+nor M,arina -Tourb.illonP_reside+nt_ 18k_ GoldG_lashu.tteO*ris18Kt_/SS T'wo T,one Rose. ,Gold *Preside*nti*al Datej.ust-Form,ula 1 Se,ries ,Chrono.gra+phLadys* Q,uartzL.ouis ,Vui,tton +Bags .& Wal-letsLouis' -Vuitton 'Ba+gs & .Walle,tsMil,le Mig_lia C'hronog'raph S'tainl'ess St.eel, Bracel-etP,asha .de Ca+rtier, Chro-nogr.aphAquan-au-t 5066aA*dmi'ral S -Li'mited Edi+tion_Navit-imer .Herita'ge-Jout .& Nui+t Au_tomaticNa.viti,mer H_er+itageIns.tru_ment BR* Ai+rborne L_i*mited Edi*tion,Cl.atrava Cl*as,sicMoney_ Clip*Jewe,lry &- Ac_cessorie's So_ti'rio Comp'licati'ons 'Tourbi.llon'Royal _Oak *To.urbill,on Ch*ronogr-aphThe+ Ma+rinerLum-i'nor GMTSa_r,carClassi_c *Roun*dLink Au-tom_atic+ Chron*ograph_Cartie'r ,Roller+ballPat'ek. Philipp,e1884. H*ercules S+eries'Louis_ Vu,itton B,a*gs & W,allets'Maxi _Marine ,C_hrono.meter-Compl,icati,on Moo_nphase C-hr+onog*raphE,nicarAqua+ra+cer Auto'matic, Chro'nog,raphTi+ffa,ny & C+O E'aring+sMille' Migl-ia C_hronograp+h S_tainles_s S_teel Br*acele'tSkel-et'on Auto'ma-ticTime GMT ,Autom.ati_c Ch'ronograp.hSt ,Du,pont Ball.p-ointLumin-o,r MarinaM_aster' C*ollec,tion M*aster _Aut,omat-ic Big D,at*eMilg*aussLin_k C_alibre 5+ Autom'aticA'd.miral's C.u'p Chro-nogr-aphMont B-lanc'Oval S_eries_Tiffa*ny' & CO' Bracele'tsRol'ex Sp.or-ts Mod*els'Royal _Oak Off'sh,ore Ch+ronog,raphLou'is .Vuit-ton Bag.s & Wa*llet'sOyst,er Dat.ejust_ S.STommy' Hilfi'ger Chr.ono+grap,hPortug+ues+e FA Jon+es Ed_it,ionAqua,racer,Louis -V,uitton +Bags & 'W-alletsB.reitl*ingTh-ousand's of' Feet C+S3 +Chrono*graphM*il+le Migli-a C'hro-nograph, Le,ather 'StrapTo'rtue C*hro_nogr+aphLock*etA,veng+er Titan-iumSea'm_asters 'Aqua T*erra* Automa-ticL'um,inor *Marina 'Rubb'er Ban'dCompli,cat.ion.sHappy Di,a_monds Sp,or_t OvalRo*adster. Ch_ron'ographGC- D-iver Ch+ic +Chrono_graphPa,sha ,Seat_imer_ 2006Aven,ger+ Ti'taniumPa.sha d*e C*arti*er Chrono*grap+hNo'madeBR*01 +Tourbillo,n R.ubber* Strap.Varian_te+s Tou-rbillon *S-portsR*adoGM+T Chron+ograph_Lou-is -Vuitton. Bags' & ,Wallets,Dee,psea S*ea Dwel-lerLu+minor 'Arkto,sLu+minor _Class-icC.onquis'tador. Chro+nograph*Bel+l & Ro*ss_Bell -& Ross.Classiqu*e C_omplica+t_ionsSlim- Qu.artzImp.erial .T*ourbil_lon Mo.onphr,ase Ch_ro,nogra.phHappy -Di,amonds S+port_ Squar'eOyste'r Da+tejus,t -White G'oldPari_sComp'lica-tions- Chr*onogr*aph T-our'billi,onGucci B,all*point.Happy -Diamo,nds, Sport ,OvalS*por*ts Seri_es -Chro'nograp,hLuminor- -Marina- Tour.billonT_iffany* -& CO ,Bracelet*sSupe,rleg'gera J1'2' Blac,k Chronog*rap-hTom-my R-oller.ball_Armani -Key_chains*Admi'ral S Lim_ited -Editi*onNi+colas ,Rieus*sec- Chro-nograph' Plat.i-numBrac'ele-tTesl+ar (Diam+ond be*z-el)J12' Two ton,e* WhiteKir*ium, For-mula & 'Numbere-d E.ditio_nsPan-oma.tic Chr+onograp*h'Pasha C_Ome'ga De' Ville Co, Ax.ial_ GMTLou'is Vuit,ton C-uffli'nksS+upe.rlegger+a J12 -B_lack Chro,nogra+phC-razy+ Hour,sNau.tilusG+ucci Ba,gsHe,rme-s Cuf'flinksO'yster D'at,ejus_t SSDato-gra*phTank 'Sty-le Wat'ches+ Tank*nDia'gono Ti,taniu.mMaster+ Col'lect'ion Ma*ster +Au+tomatic+ Ch,ronograp*hL+ouis _Vuitton B, & W+allet'sRot.onde T,ourb'illonS_chaffha,use*n Regu'lateurD'upo*nt Cu,fflink-sR_otonde. de ,Cartier T.ourbi_llio_n Ch'ronogr+ap.hLouis V-ui.tton Bag's & .Walle*tsT*ommy *Hilfige.rJu*bilee Da,tej*ust 1,8k & 'SSLoui_s Vui+tton B*ags- & Walle+t-sLouis, Vuitto.n 'Bags & W-allets_Alai-n Silb+ers*tein+Road-ster C.hronogr,aphS-upe,rleggera .J-12 Wh*iteNe+w Santos .Se*ries S*ant,os 100S+ara,togaRo.yal .Oak Offsh_or_e T3Oy'ster Da+tejus.t 18*k & S_SOm.ega _De Vil+le Co A-xial' GMTLo'uis Vu,it_ton Ba_gs & W.allet*sM+ont B,lanc Fo+unt+ain Pen,Gra_nd Compl,ica-tion Ch'ronogr'aphE+DCION_ Limi-tada. Chr_onog_raphM_ille _Miglia GM_T S_tainl*ess S+teel _Brac.eletL'ouis _Vuitt*on B+ags &' Wall'etsMarin.e Chro'nog-raph18-Kt-/SS Two. Ton_e Jubile.e- Dateju'stCas.abl*anca +Chron.ographRo+le+x Sports- Model,sL_ong Isla_nd* Automa'tic'Louis Vu,i_tton Bag's & W.alle'tsRadi_omir ,Tourbi*llion_La-ngemat*ik Per'pe'tualMigl,ia* Mille GT,Ratt+ra-pante Chr*on.ographH-and-bags & W,a.llets M.onogra_m Per, Dr-oz188.4, Chronog'ra,phTT3 C,hronogr+aphMi,gli*a Gr*an Turi.smo- XLNBA. Star Y'ao, Min-g Lim,ited E-ditio.nCo_A.xial* Automat,ic. Chron*omet+erJaco*b & CoS_eamast,ers, Aqu+a Terr-a Aut,omatic,BR SAs,sio_ma Auto'mati-cP*iccadily '(Dia+mo-nd beze_l)Uly,sses .Nard.inLea+ther ban'd. Date+justLoui,s Vui.tton. Bags' & Wa_llets,Watch'es BM,W Orac+le Tou'rbill*on C-hron_ograph.Louis .Vuitt*on Ba'gs .& Walle,ts'Crazy- Hours T_our.bil+lonPiage*tTT1+Loui_s Vui*tton Bag-s, & Wal,letsLoui+s Vui_tton' Bag_s & Wal'l,etsNau+tilusS_t Du_pont Fou.ntain-1'8Kt/S+S Two' Tone Oys.ter D-ate.just'Utah -Leath-erCr*azy Hour's Tour-bil+lonLaur.eato_ EVO* Ch+ronog+raphC*lassic _Santos, Ser'ies ,Santos, Cla+ssicP,asha Sea.time+r 2+006C,ortina .Chronog-raph. (L*eath*er st'rap)Lange-mat*ik B*ig Dat*eDupo+nt Rep.lica L.i+ghter,s Col'lection _20,05St D_upont.,Limited S'por_ts Ed,ition_ Chron.ogr-aphBlac.k Mu*rak.amiCasabl*an+ca Tourb_ill_on Ch*ron,ographA+quarace,r A'uto*maticSt *Dup.ont -Ballpoin'tA*ssioma .Chron*ographP_aris'Speci+aliti,es O+lympi_c Coll.ection' T,imel,essClas+siqu-e Compl'icat+ions.Pasha +CCali.bro 30*3 C-hronog-raph'Baigno-ire_50th Anni+v*ersar_yAquarac+er C-alib+re S- Chrono*graph_ Laptim.eJo-ut &- Nuit A'utoma+ticL_oui-s Vuit.ton B.ags & Wa'llets-Emp.orio Ar.mani*Gucc+i Cuffl-inks_Co+nstellati+on 'Classic,Lo.ngitud.e Chr'onog'raph.Oyster P'erpet.ual .18k, GoldGu_cci 'Roll'erNaviti,me_r Heri'tageBai_gnoire' Al+longee_Casabl-anca- SS ,Brace_letRoa.dst,erTo*urbilli,on Ch*ron'ograp+hsJ12 T.wo _tone Chro'nog_raph.Grand .Compli.cation,Jou.t &, Nuit* Autom-aticCon+cord,Rotonde* Tour+bill-on-Luminor _Mari*na Le*ather' Band'Ome*ga Se'amaster P-lan+et Oce+an 'Chro_noCarbo*n Ch*ronograp-hC*razy Hou'rs _Tourb.illi,onJub-ile Qua+rtz 'Men Wit,h. Diamo,nd Bez-el Op'tionLo'uis V+uitt.on Bags_ & Wa-llets,S_port Ev+olut,ion C_hronogra-ph-Royal +Oak -30th Ann*i'versa-ry Chr,onog.raphSkel-eton ,Automa,ticLo'uis* Vuitt+on B,ags ,& Wa+lletsP+iccadi-ly (Dia.mond .beze*l).Rattrapan_t-eDouble E'agle ,Auto,matic *Chro_no_graphFor*mula 1, I+ndy 50*0 Edi*tionJe_welry- & _Acce-ssories .Master+ Bank_er T,ourbil*lon +Chron,ogra,phAquar*ace.r C-alibr'e 5 Autom'at-ic C'hronograp*hS+uper'legger+a J12 Bl,ack+Day Da.te T*ourbi.llonHap*p+y Diamo.ndsL,ouis Vui+tt*on Ba*gs &+ Wall,etsBaigno.ire .All_ongeeG_rande C.o+mplic+ations P_er-petual +Calen'der _Chronogr+a'phFull, Size, Five+ Time 'Zone ,Watche_s 47m+m Le*ather. BandS*uper*legg_era J12 *Wh,ite +Chron.ographPr'eside_nt 18+k & SS'Diag_on,o Scuba .Ch+ronog+raphPano'matic'Star C,hrono-grap,hLouis* Vui*tto.n Bag_s & W+allets18'84- Hercule*s Ser,iesP,ic'cadily (_Di,amond bez-el)_Formul'a +1 Series_ F*ormula *1 Chr_onog_raphLo*uis Vu'itton' Bags _& W'alle.tsChron,omet-er Moon+phase+ .Limite+d Edi*tionT,ank F+rancaise'Mille. M'iglia +GMT R-ubber -St+rapSeamas-ter+ Diver_ S-eriesL_ouis Vui'tton- Ba-gs & W+alletsL.ouis* V+uitton* Bags &' W_allets-Louis+ Vui_tton B,ags & Wa.llet-sL'ouis Vui,tton' Bags+ & -Wallets*Dig_ital Seri.esAr'ch.itecte Au'to*maticEmp+or'io Arman.iJ12, W+hite +Tourbill-ionCo'mpli+cat*ion Per,petual_ Cale'nd*arImp+erial To.ur.billon. Moonp-hras*e Chron+ogr*aphLo-cketSpee'dmas.te.r Profess-ion,al Ch*ronog-raph*Pano Re*tro G-raph,

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If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


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6t6yeu8i9 Lum'inor M_ar.inaRoads.ter *Chrono.graph+Ro,lex S'port+s Mod*elsSena+tor N'avigato,r *Chron'ograp,hAdm+iral's Cu,p To_urb,illio_n 48'TeslarB'entl-ey GT 47,m-m Edi.tionRoya*l Oak' Chro-nogr*aphGran+de* Compl-icati,ons_ Perpet_ual C+alen_der C,hrono-graph'Monza Ca'l'ibre 3_6Louis V-ui-tton B_ags & .Wal,letsPi-ccadil+y (D+iam*ond b,ezel)BR.01 92 A,ut.omaticT+iffan_y &' CO Br+acelet_sConst.ella*tion C,l'assicEsp+eranza_De_ Ville -CoA-xial Co*Axi'al Ra.ttrapa+nteChro*no-meter+ Moonph'ase+ Limited* Edi,tionL+ouis- Vu.itton. Bags & W'alle_tsKir,iumCon,q_uista_dor C-hronogra+phA.quar'acer 'Calibre S' Chr-onogra'p_h Laptim_eBrace'letO+mega- Sea_mast,er Rai+lmaste,r C.hronograp+hA+rchit-ecte Au-to+maticL*uminor.Tourbil-l-ion C-hronog'raphsPic.cad.ily (Di+a'mond _bezel-)Jacob & .CoSt,ar Chr+ono+graph+Tomm*y Hilf_iger Ch*ro,nogra.phJ12 C-la*ssic *DiamondsJ,1.2 Blac,k Chrono-graph.Lou,is V*uitton_ Ba_gs & W,alle+tsBaign,oire+J12 Tw'o to-ne C+hronogr+aphFerr+ari ,Sc_uderia *GMT_Louis *Vuitton _B_ags & Wal-le-tsAq_uaracer ,Cali+bre S* Chrono-gra*phFormu-la 1 'Seri,es F,ormula+ 1Dolc'e & .Gabb+anaWa'tches- Lange, 1 Mo,onp.haseAqua-rac-er Cali.bre' 5 'Automati_cClas,sique. Auto-mati'cCrazy .Color. .DreamsLo*ui-s Vuitt*on Bag,s &- Wall-etsC,lassi'c Quart_zSpeedM+a.ster Da_teB,reitling*Sup+er Ocea.nMus't De, Carti+erAs+tronomi+ca_l Cel*estia,l Double .Dia*lHubl.otParmi*giani- Fle*urier,Moonp,haseS_arcar-Pia,getLou'is Vui+tton' Bag+s & ,Wallet_sClas+sic Chro-nogra*phM'illen,aryHerm-e_s Wat+chesPan,there-Sun-setJ12- Classi.c Diam.ond+s Chron.o'graphOmeg+a Sea*m*aster 30,0 'M GMT_Sotir,io Compli'cat+ions To+u,rbillo'nNavit+ime.rLouis *Vui_tton Ba'gs &* Walle.tsJ12 W*hi,teMontB'lanc C_u*fflinksR'oge.r Dubu*isDo_uble Ea*gle A-uto_matic+ Chrono,gra*phMonog+ram P+erfo+EDCIO-N Limit'ad*a Chro_nograp-hS*peedM+aster _DateBR +SDiag'ono S+otir_io _Chronogra+phFe,rrari-Port+ugues_e Clas*sicPa*sha S-eatim'er 2'006Tou_rb+illonF1. Dua*l Time C+hrono'grap.hPortu-gues'e FA +Jones -Ed+itionOm_egaCo'mpl*icati+on Perpe,tual- C_alendarB*R S.Gucc.i Bag_sArchit.ecte+ GMTSeam+a+ster D_iver+ Serie-sThe' LinkJ,12 C,lassicTag. Heue*rBR 0*1 +RAIDKiri.umN+oma+deS T Du*po'nt Li_ghters G_old. SeriesS-tar,onog-raphL'ouis Vu'itton & Wa*llet_sCal_ibre 3+60 Auto+ma-ticSp.itfire M'ark. XVPano_maticJ,12 Tw*o. tone +WhiteWat+ches, C.lassi,c RoundTh,ou'sands' of *Feet CS+3 Chr.onogra_phJa+quet Dr_ozNav.iti.mer .Heritage,Lum,inor _Marina'' BandCort-ina, Chrono+g'raph (+Leat,her s,trap)BR*01 94 ,Chro'nogra_phAqua'ra_cerBa-ignoire *Allong.eeD'oub,le Ea,gle Chro'nomete_r Mi.d S*izeCasa'blanc*a Le.ather B*andRo-ads*ter,BR01 ,97 Powe-r Rese-rveMas*ter C*ontro,lDio_rTaiga-Loui's Vu_itton_ Bags_ & Wall+ets_Conquis-t,ador K+ingL-uminor R-eg,attaLoui*s Vu,itton+ Rolle.rbal_lLou_is V_uitton +Bags .& W*alletsS*eam.aster ,Diver _Series,Pa_sha C Ch-ronog+raphPr'eci.ous Met*a*l Flight *D,eck Chro.nograp,hSpo-rt Ev-olut-ion I.mpact* Tourbi*ll-onSeam,aster P-ro 3*00m S.eamast'er+ 300m *GMTVers_ace C.uff,linksL-oui-s Vuit,ton 'Bags ,& Wal*lets_Presi_dent Whi'te Go'ldG.rand C-ompli'cationC_al'atra* C-ollec,tion Mast,er _Auto*mati+c Big D,ateM_ontbri+llian.t D-atoraRado+Lu*mino,r Mar,ina Leat+her Ba,nd*Clas_sic Tourb-il.lion' Skeleto-nNew *Sa+ntos Seri+es S+antos* 1_00Conqui_stad,or SC-Loui.s Vuit-ton. Bags +& Wal-letsCla-ssique* Com,pli,catio'nsOm+ega De, Vill,e Co Ax-ia+l Chronog,ra*phJ12 W.hit-eJ12 Cl*ass-icAqu'aracer_ Calibr-e_ 5 Automa.t.ic Chr*onog'raphMa'rine Chr+onogr_aph,Ergon -Chron'og-raphL,aniere.s Serie+sS.port Cla,ssi-que Chr_on_ographT*iffa-ny & C-o Jewe,lryLe, Grand,e Cl-assiq+ue _Quar+tz 37mmC_lassic- .Quartz,Euro 200+8 L.imit.ed E+dition ,Chr.onographT,ach-ymetre. Chr+ono_graphRoya-l' Oak +Offsho-re Chron+og_raphMo+vadoR'ett,angoloG.MT Ch.ronogr,ap+hDeepse'a Sea +Dwelle.r_Locket-J12 Bl+ack. Chron-ographDe+ Vi'lle Co ,Axial, *3 fac,ed Chro*nometer'Roy+al _Oak Off'shor.e T3Ins*trumen,t_ BR Airb'orne +Limit+ed E*ditio+nGC- Diver Ch.ic. Chro.nographV,ar,iantes T'o,urbill'on Spor'ts+Chron.ographChr*ista,l _Diamond 'Bracel-etZe_nithSc'haf'fhaus-en Pil_ot'-s Watche*s- Spitfir_e C.hrono*graph_Jewelr*y & +Accesso_rie*s S 'T Dupont' Re.plica L-ig-hters_ Collecti+on- 2006-SEFe.rrari, Scuderi+a GMT,Gran *Turism-o Ch.ron-ograph+Leat,her *band Da.tejus_tRo*lex Date.justsA_qu,aracer' Autom'aticD,enim C.o,llectio-nCo_A_xia'l Autom+atic C+hro+nomet+erLouis *Vui'tto-n Bags &' Walle,tsG-lashu,tte_Keychain.sPan-omat,ic Chron-ogra,phSpee+dmas*ter+ Profe,ssiona+l Chr+on*ograp'hSpit-fire +UTCTurnog*r_aph SSOv-al S.eriesOm_e+ga De Vil'le* Co Axi*al Chr_ono*mete-rMiglia' Gran+ Turis-mo X*L Chr* band .D*atejust-Aqu_arace_r Calibr'e 5 A'utom*atic ,Chro.nogra-phLouis_ Vui_tto+n Bags. & W_allets_Omega Se*a_maste'r 300+ M Chrono-met*erG_ucci Cuff+l,inksDia*gono_ Tita*nium'J12 Cla-ssic Di'amond.sLoui+s V_uitton. Bags' & 'Wall-etsDup_ont ,Limited E'dit+ion .SeriesO*mega. Sea_master P-l*anet Oce,anMon-ey 'ClipT-ortue' Chro-nograph.Ca*sablanca +T'ourbill*on C'hronogra,phAlu_mi_niumThou*sa.nds of F+eet C,S3 'Chr_onogra.phJ12' Two to+ne* White,Oyster D-at,ejust 1'8k, & SSD-enim C'oll_ectionGuc-ciDou'b_le Eag,le Chron*omet.erPa+tek+ Phili*ppeLumin+o'rGrand Co.mpli.cation+ Ch*rono+graph*TT3 Chr'onogr'ap.hMoney. Clip'Omega De- Vil+le Co -A'xial GM,TOmega+ Se'amaste.r Spec_ial E_dition'Bla*ncpa_inboxse*tsN,avitim*er Moon'pha+se 'Chrono-graphFer_ra-ri Scu,deria C+hro*nogra+phR_olex new. mo.dels,Aquarace-r Cali'bre S. *Chron-ograp'h Laptime* 2*4 Ca.libre -Autom*atic Ch*ronog_rap.hLu.minor M'arina- Le+ather+ BandClas_sic* Car,reraTac*hym'eter Chr'ono+graph'Ferra,ri +Scuderia 'C*hronogr,aphS'ECalatr*avaCas_a.blanca L,ea-ther B,andPens*Merced*e.s Benz SL,R C-hron_ographL,ouis, Vuit_ton Ba-gs & _Walle,tsOme_ga S+eamaste'r+ 300 M _Chrono.meter+Limite'd_ Sport-s Edi,tion_ Chron_ographCo'nqu+istad+orDewi+ttWatc_hes. Schaf'fha-usen- Pilot'-s Watch'es +Spitfi+re Chr_onogr_aphC-hris'tal. Diamon_d Bra,celetNa,vitim,e.r Heri+tageJub'ilee D_ate_just SS'A+venge,r Titan-iumCla*ssi+c Santo's Ser.ies- Santo's Class,i-cLouis V_uitto,n Ba*gs & Wa'llet*sFacet_o.U-BoatC*ons_tellatio+n Clas.sicB+R01 94+ Ch_ron,ographC'hro-nomat Chr.ono+grap.hCuffl*ink.sOmega Se*amast,e_r Spe,cial Edit-ionb,oxs-etsCor*tina Ch*ro,nogr'aph (Bra+celet),Sun+setDu*pont* Limit*ed Edi*ti'on Se_riesJ12 W'h.ite Leath,e_r BandOm*eg*aBMW Or_acle .Tou+rbill.on Ch'ronograph+Je,welry & +A*ccesso_ries Chr-onom*et-re Naviti-me,rOyster' D,atejust S.SKi*riumHer'mes C-uff+linksP,as_ha de* Cartie.rLou'is Vu-itton 'Ballpoi_nt_Sports. Chro*nograph,Lu.minor Da_yl'ightBR.01 +97 Po,wer Rese+rveOme-ga _Spe*edmas-ter Snoo+py Edi-t.ionChopar-d _Pendan_tPearl_master* 1-8k Gold.Pasha _C-Aquar-acer Tour*billo_n C'hrono-grap'hCla*ssic Ch,ron-ographCh*opardS.kele'ton A'utomat,i,cLumi,nor GM+TDoub_le Eagle' Aut'omatic, Chro*nogra+phLou_is' Vuit+ton Bags_ & W.all'etsRetta*n'golo ,Chronogra,phJ+aeger _LeCoul,tre+Verona 'N,uovoOy-ster+ Day dat*e 18+k G_oldOmeg'a Seama-st,er 300+ M Chr+on*ometerB_rus_hed St'eel Ser-ie+sAstron*omical' Ce,lesti-al Do-uble Di+alLo+uis V-uitton* Bags* & W-all-etsBig P-ilo*tTim_e Walke,r GM,T Auto-mati'c Chr-onog_raphLou_is -Vuitt,on & W+allets'Speedm+asterT'o+urbill,onFu*ll 18_K Gold Ya_cht*mast-er IIS_ T Dup-ont Re_pl,ica Ligh,t,ers Co-llec+tion _2006Louis' V'uitton B,a*gs & Wall_et-sTourbil-li_on Chro-nogra-phsMa+xi ,Marine +Chron.ometer,Cl*assi.que Au+tomat.icTank.Ferr_ari Sc_uderia .G.MTHerme,s'ioma He'ur'es Ret*ro S.pecial 'Editi-o-nFlybac_k Sport*s +Chron-ographAq.uara.cer +Cali'bre 5 _Automa-ticSch+aff,hausen, Re.gula,teurAl*uminium'Girard* Pe'rreg*auxOyste.r +Datejust' 18,k & SS'Louis_ Vu,itton R_oller-bal*lCala_travaG.ucci R.ol'lerPa_nomatic+Seam+aster -Div_er Ser+iesSeama_ster. Co._Axial-Crazy Vu+itton B.ags &, W-allet*sMont_ Blanc B'allpo_intWel,derSl'im- Quart'zSea+master _Div+er S*eriesSpe,edmast-er Br*oad A-rrowC+arr*era *Chro.nograph .Tachy-mete*rLou,is V,uitto_n Bags +& Wal*lets*Technom'ari'neChron+omat .Chr+onograph'J+12 White 'Tou.rbillio.nSpe.edmast.e.r Profes*sio_nal Ch.rono.graphGM-TS.ports Co.llect,io,n Conqu'est*Ferra*ri Scuder*ia+ Chro*nogra+phFerrar,i .Scud*eria 'Chronogra-phSun,se_tChr_onomat'ic 49Dup*on_t Cu*fflinks*Sea+masterF*ull 1,8K Gold, Yach.tma.ster I+ICar'tier Cu-fflin-ksPa,sha _de C+artier+U-Boat,Lou-is Vuitt*on Ba,gs .& Walle_t*sCartier 'Cuff.links*Crazy ,H'ours *Tourbi-llonLo+uis* Vuit.ton Bags .& *Walle-tsAdm*iral's. Cu'p Tide-s 48J12 .Two+ tone W*hite+Skelet_on+ Autom_ati*cFerra.ri Scude-ria G+MTDu+pon-t Rep.lica L_igh'ters Col-le.ction 200'5Ha*ute_ Horlog+erie T*ourbil+lonP.rec.ious+ Meta-l Clas.sico -Golden- Cr-ownVero*na +NuovoL,umin-or Regatt,aDia-gono ,Sotiri.o .Chro'nograp.hSchaf,fha_usen Pilo*t's +Watche,s Sp+itfir+e C*hron,ograph_De Ville_ C_oAxi-al CoAxi*al Ra'ttra'pant-eRol_ex Spo*rts +ModelsM.ovad+oBrittO+mega D.e V_ille C,o Ax_ial GM+TTwe-nty 4Re.tta*ngolo-Wel*derAss+ioma. Heures' Retro ,Chro.nograp'h'Double- Eagle -Chr'onomete_rMill*enar*yDu*al time C'hr.onome'terFive' Time+ Zo_ne W-atch S_tainles,s St.eelLumi,n+or Regatt,aAr.chite'cte- GMTFu.ll 1-8K Gold' Yach'tmas.ter IIAq*ua+racer T.ourbi,llo,n Chron'ograp.hP_ortuguese+ C_lassic'Pasha .De C.artier' Power_ Res.erveOy.ster' Date.jus-t 18k _& SS_Tortue- Se_riesR-oyal .Oak 3'0th A+nniver.sary Ch,ron,ographBa.igno*ire Al*long-eeS.uper Oce*anPr+eside'nt -18k & SS_Omeg,a S'peedma'ster R,aci+ng Chr-ono,meter,Oyster Pe.rpet-ual 18_k_ GoldMo,nt Bl'anc _Ball_pointMo.nt Bl'anc K.eychain-sSpor't*s Collec'ti'on Conque'stG'ucc.i Cufflin+k+sLongitud'e Ch.ro_nographO,mega +De Vil+l-e Co A_xial Ch+ronogr-ap-hLouis V_uit.ton Bag,s '& Wal.letsP*ano Gr-aphRed* Devi_l 'Bang ,Limite'd E.ditio*n Chrono,gr+aphFran'ck Mul+le-rClas*sical Bil'lio_nair*e Tourbi*llon.Santos' -100 S.keleton_Grand C.o'mplicatio*nB'MW Orac+le Tou-rbi_llon 'Chronog_r.aphSport* Evo,luti+on Impac_t Tou-r_billon,Migli.a Mille _G,TChane_lLouis .Vuitto+n Ba-gs ,& Wal.lets.Ferrari S-c'uderia .Chr+onogr.aphSpeedm_aste,r .Profe*ssion_al Chr,onogra_phCa,rtie'r Ballp*oin.tLouis *Vuitto*n Bag*s & W'allet-sNi_colas .Chron_ograph P*lati*numLo+uis +Vuit.ton Bag-s & W*allets' Vui*tton K'eych,ainsVe,r-sace Cuff'lin,ksAl*ain Si.lberst*einVe-rona. Nuo_voOmega +Se.amaster ' _OceanN_avitim,er H_eritag'eProfi*l_e XL Chro_nogr+ap,hFerrari, Gran*tur,ismo R.attrapa,nteC'arti_er *Rollerba-llA+dmirals *C+up Chro.nogr-aphDupo*nt Re'plica _Ligh,ters+ Collec-ti,on 2' *Chron-ograph *Tour+bi'llionComp_li'cations .Chron*o*graphDa-tograph. Per+petua-lAq.uara,cer Ca+libr'e S Ch+ronogr,aph Lap.timeA*qua,racer* Cali-bre 5 .Aut*omatic +Chrono+gra.phCarb+on .Chronogr'a'phJ12 'Two t'one Wh.iteBR0*1 'Tourbill-on Rub_be.r St'rapSara-tog.aPoliceT,or+tue Ch.ronogra.phLo*ngin*esLoui+s Vui.tton+ Bags &+ Wa.lletsG'C Dive+r Ch*ic Ch*ronogra'phBr,ittMoo,n-phase*Alumini,u+mSeamaste_r Aq-ua_ Terra Ra'ilma_ste*rVegas A-uto,mati+cDupo.nt Li+mite'd Edition' Se+riesJ12. B*lack Ch-ronogr_aphL*ouis_ Vuitt+on Bag+s & W.alle'ts,Assioma .Au-tomati*cHaute, Horl.ogerie ,Tou*rbillon'Co_rtina Ch-ro*nogr_aph (L.eather -strap).Fu,ll 18,K Gold* Pr+esidentia'l Da+y 'Date, *Fully .Iced D-ial+Oyster. Dat'ejust *SSAqu-anaut +5066_aOme+ga S-peedm,aster Rac*in-g Chr,onomete'rCh_anelS+pitfire* U_TCLou,is Vuit-ton Ba-gs &* Vuitton* Ba-gs &- Wallet'sMill_e Mig'lia Chr,on'ograph_ Leath*er St_rapPro*f.ile XL+ Chr,onographL*oui-s V*uitton .Bags &. W,alletsTr.adit-ion To-urbil_lo_n Coll.ection*Mille* Migli+a GMT_ Ru,bber_ Strap'Piccad'ily .Chop-ard Pen.dantFe+rra*ri G-ranturis+mo, Rattrap*an.teChrist'al *Diamon.d Br-aceletCo'*uis V+uitto*n Bags _& W-allet,sGran_de Comp,lica.tions. Per-petual- Calende-r _Chron-ograph-Louis -Vuitto_n Bag.s & .Wal*letsJubi'lee D.atej.ust. SSSpitf,ire, Mark, XVF,ull +Size F.ive Time+ Z+one Wa+tches 4,7mm +Leathe*r Ba.ndBai'gno_ireStar+ Plat'inum C+hron*ogra,phRo+yal 'Oak 30th- An,niversa'ry ,Chron,ograp*hMas+ter Co'llection, Mas'ter A_utoma,tic C_hronog+ra-phOval S*er+iesTi'mewalker_ Chro.nogra'p+hAcad.emia C_hronogr*aphL*ouis V-uitt,on B'ags ,& Wal,letsEur*o 20_08 Lim'ited Ed*it*ion C.hronog,raphSt- Dupo'nt Ro+llerVi,n'tage 19'45 -XXL C'hronograp+hJu'bil*eeCalatra+v_a Chronog*r*,Seamaste+rPr-ecio-us Met+al Flig-ht D*eck ,Chron+ogra+phThe_ Mari+nerLimit_ed, & Nu'mbered E,dit-ionsL.umin.or Day'lightEs-peran-za-Super.legger*a J1_2 Whit-eMigli,a Gr+an Tu.rismo _XLErgo,n Chr'onog.raphT'ourbi*llion' Chrono+graph+Aqu_aracer _C,alibr_e S Chro+nogra,ph .Lapt.imeSunset-Titan- Ch+ronogr,aph19+32 -Moonphas,e,